Friday, August 27, 2010

British Airways pilot presses wrong button, causes mid-air scare

A British Airways pilot terrified passengers mid-air after he hit a wrong button which led to an immediate announcement that the plane was about to crash into the sea, a media report said.

According to 'The Sun', the blunder triggered an automated female voice which said: "This is an emergency announcement. We may shortly need to make an emergency landing on water."

The 275 passengers flying from Heathrow to Hong Kong prepared for the worst over the North Sea, until cabin crew ran down the aisles to announce that it was all a mistake, the British tabloid said.

32-year-old passenger Michelle Lord of Preston was quoted as saying, "People were terrified, we all thought we were going to die. They said the pilot hit the wrong button because they were so close together."

Another traveller said: "I can't think of anything worse than being told your plane's about to crash."

However, BA has apologised for the "undue distress".

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