Friday, April 27, 2007

Needle Aspiration Biopsy:

Needle aspiration biopsy (NAB), also known as fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC), fine needle aspiration biopsy (FNAB) and fine needle aspiration (FNA), is a practice performed to analyze certain kinds of medical conditions, such as lumps in the neck. In this technique a thin needle is inserted into a mass or lump to extract cells that will be examined under a microscope. Fine needle aspiration biopsies are very safe, minor surgical procedures. Often, a major surgical (excisional or open) biopsy can be avoided by performing a needle aspiration biopsy instead.

A needle aspiration biopsy is safer and less shocking than an open surgical biopsy. Sometimes, surgery is needed to treat complications of a needle aspiration biopsy. But in such a case, the patient would have had to undergo a similar surgical procedure to obtain a diagnosis had the needle aspiration biopsy not been attempted.

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