Friday, March 20, 2009

Try these breakfast tips and ideas

• When you're choosing a breakfast cereal, try to go for one that contains wholegrains and is lower in salt and sugar. Serve your cereal with semi-skimmed, 1% or skimmed milk, or low-fat yoghurt (but remember 1% or skimmed milk isn't suitable for children under five).

• Try to fit in some fruit - fresh, frozen, tinned or dried fruit all count towards your five daily portions of fruit and veg. Put slices of banana on your toast, or add chunks of apple, berries, or dried fruit to your cereal.

• Wash down your breakfast with some fruit juice - this will count as one of your fruit and veg portions, as long as it's 100% juice. A glass (150ml) of fruit juice counts as a maximum of one portion a day.

• Make your toast with wholemeal or granary bread. And use just a small amount of low-fat spread and some jam or marmalade. Choose a spread that is high in polyunsaturates or monounsaturates (both types of unsaturated fat), instead of one that's high in saturated fat, such as butter. Having unsaturated fat instead of saturated fat can help to lower your cholesterol.

• Why not try a fruit smoothie? If you have time, you could make it the night before and store it in the fridge, or prepare all the ingredients ready to buzz in a blender in the morning. Use fresh fruit such as banana and strawberries and some plain low-fat yoghurt or milk. Try adding some wholegrain cereal for extra fibre. Or puree a few canned apricot halves with some orange juice.

• Porridge oats are cheap and contain lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre. Make your porridge with semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, or water. If you add salt to your porridge, try to get out of the habit. Add a few dried apricots or a sliced banana for extra flavour instead.

• For a change from ordinary toast, try a wholemeal English muffin or some toasted fruit bread.

• When you have more time, why not have a poached egg and mushrooms on toast? Fry the mushrooms in a non-stick pan with just a small amount of vegetable oil.

• If you have kids, try to have breakfast together when you can. This will help encourage them to eat breakfast.
• When you have time, it's fun for kids to help make their own breakfast - you could keep different cereals in the cupboard that they can mix together in a bowl. And try to have a variety of foods they can sprinkle on top, such as raisins, nuts and dried banana.

• An occasional full English breakfast can be part of a healthy balanced diet - just try not to have one too often.

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